
I have this happen to me a lot when I'm trying to get to bed, it's so annoying 🙄


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So my angle on this is to have a client that is completely auto-populating. It's not necessarily something that will be useful for everyone, I admit (and is a slightly different interaction model than we usually use).

But I think it'd be quite nice to be able to point a Micropub client to a Micropub server, and have it render an editor for all the given post-types, with all the given properties, instead of needing to build the client with some awareness of what is required.


I feel personally attacked by this tweet. I don't know how I'm going to continue to grow my wardrobe in a post-COVID world


GitHub syndication with blockquotes does not seem to quite work

I'm not sure if this was an issue on my side, or on Bridgy's, but when I tried to publish a reply to a GitHub issue, the syndicated comment originally had a >, not a > indicating a blockquote, which meant I needed to manually edit the comment on GitHub to make it render nicer.


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I've not looked at how many other Micropub servers operate, but isn't it quite common to have certain fields as required? I.e. I'm writing this comment on Micropublish and it requires in-reply-to and content for a reply type.
