Which bugs are morally acceptable?
Recommended read: Which bugs are morally acceptable? https://medium.com/engineering-leadership-network/which-bugs-are-morally-acceptable-d0c4de8a3964
I'm enjoying listening to #TechFast this morning with @R_van_Tol talking about how we're all coping with the current situation whilst getting ready for the day 💻💕🐈 #MorphAnna 🏠 (@anna_hax)Thu, 28 May 2020 07:30 UTC
Found this out today, via a colleague, as a good way for your Java library to expose information about the API stability / intent behind classes.
Recommended read: `@API` Guardian https://github.com/apiguardian-team/apiguardian
Migrating to Netlify's Deployments from GitLab CI (3 mins read).
Moving to avoid flaky deployments, and trying to reduce deployment times.
Been a good #HomebrewWebsiteClub Nottingham - mixed success at our various projects, but nice to see folks (virtually)
FYI I've documented this at https://www.jvt.me/posts/2020/05/25/read-servlet-request-body-multiple/ based on https://stackoverflow.com/a/36619972/2257038 and https://stackoverflow.com/a/30748533/2257038 - this caches the actual ServletInputStream
rather than just the bytes that are returned.
Pre-loved Systems Are Like Second Hand Jigsaw Puzzles
Recommended read: Pre-loved Systems Are Like Second Hand Jigsaw Puzzles https://jesswhite.co.uk///2020/05/19/jigsaw-post.html
Let’s settle the password vs. passphrase debate once and for all
Recommended read: Let’s settle the password vs. passphrase debate once and for all https://protonmail.com/blog/protonmail-com-blog-password-vs-passphrase/
RuboCop Defaults Survey Results | Meta Redux
Recommended read: RuboCop Defaults Survey Results | Meta Redux https://metaredux.com/posts/2020/05/26/rubocop-defaults-survey-results.html
Anna Dodson and I had good fun a couple of years ago with https://github.com/veltman/clmystery and https://overthewire.org/wargames/
cat /etc/*release
? Or are those files only Linux based?
Reminder that tomorrow is #HomebrewWebsiteClub Nottingham tomorrow - hope to see you there! https://events.indieweb.org/2020/05/online-homebrew-website-club-nottingham-Rqs1Cfcxii4D
I'm quite heavily into the IndieWeb movement, in which we've designed a new standard Microsub which allows for a slightly better API than "regular" RSS/Atom readers, as it allows for you to use different feed formats on the backend. It also splits between the client and the server quite nicely, so I can use Indigenous for Android when on the move, and Monocle when I'm on the desktop. The best thing about the standard, aside from allowing extensible feed parsing, is that I can use different clients to read it, instead of relying on a single provider - which I believe we've seen with some of the RSS/Atom readers around currently.
The server I use is Aperture, built and run by Aaron Parecki, and I subscribe to a mix of RSS/Atom, JSON Feed and Microformats2 feeds
Paying Remote Employees Fairly - Blair Reeves
Recommended read: Paying Remote Employees Fairly - Blair Reeves http://blairreeves.me/2020/05/22/paying-remote-employees-fairly/