Between and I took 4619 steps.
Only a few episodes into #DesignatedSurvivor, but Anna Dodson and I are really enjoying it!
Ignoring bulk change commits with git blame
Recommended read: Ignoring bulk change commits with git blame
Sony WH-1000XM3s!
Woops this was meant to be @CraigBurgess
Hey I've just noticed that is returning 404s, did you mean to delete it?
Great thing about my new Bluetooth headphones? I can pace while attending meetings, because I don't exactly get as much exercise as pre-#coronavirus home working! At least when my video is off, that is
Between and I took 3871 steps.
Week Notes 20#12 (3 mins read).
What happened in the week of 2020-03-16?
I can now produce platform-aware @-mentions of folks on my blog! For instance Anna Dodson has her URL linked on my site, but her Twitter account when this post appears on Twitter. Read more at
Platform-Aware @-mentioning People on my Blog (2 mins read).
More easily mentioning others on my posts, and improving my interactions with Twitter syndication.
Recommended read: FYI: When Virgin Media said it leaked 'limited contact info', it meant p0rno filter requests, IP addresses, IMEIs as well as names, addresses and more
Not only in my bio, but marked up in a machine-parseable way on my website 🙌🏼