On mobile too? That's interesting, I've not found it slow since I moved over a while ago, but not got any recent comparison with Chrome so may not be helpful
Working from home: day 1/?
Between and I took 9826 steps.
I've got this set up on my own site against https://www.jvt.me/img/profile.png and it's really great. No more finding that image you want to use - it's just there. It's available automagically via my Microformats2 h-card, so it can be machine discoverable, too. But I agree with Terence, it'd be awesome to have some standardised way to pull it from all my services, though.
Recommended read: One Avatar To Rule Them All https://shkspr.mobi/blog/2020/03/one-avatar-to-rule-them-all/
Recommended read: GitLab's Guide to All-Remote https://about.gitlab.com/company/culture/all-remote/guide/
When we're all self isolating from the #coronavirus, I'm sure gonna miss nacho day at work 😢
Between and I took 8948 steps.