
This talk from @adactio and @rem at #TechNott is also really interesting to think about how websites and applications age, and potentially whether someone will be resurrecting something you've built in the future?


I guess it's more that we have development environments to play around with, the staging environment should be treated as prod - ie treat it the same with infra, security, support policies etc.

But that's true - it's better to play in staging than prod!


I both really like the idea of, and am terrified of, not having a staging environment. Having seen how some folks treat their staging environment, I'd never wish users to experience that in production! #TechNott


Is anyone at #TechNott interested in #PHP? You're in luck, because Thursday is #PHPMiNDS and we've got the awesome @akrabat speaking about Slim 4: PHP's Microwebframework

More details on the website and the Meetup


Very excited for the talks tonight at #TechNott - @NickyWrightson's talk at #DevOpsDays London was really insightful for how to run on-call right, and I've heard great things about the talk from @adactio and @rem - hope to see y'all there!


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Within my team, we use Git flow with 2 person enforced code review before a merge (within a 10 person team). We use the code review to enforce this, alongside any other changes required.

I'm a strong proponent of good commit messages, so one thing I've been doing since joining the team is encouraging this to be better.
