Hand sanitiser being brought down the food queue is a great idea at #TechNott to prevent #coronavirus
Don't fix the thing at 3am - just get it to limp through to tomorrow when you're caffeinated and have your team around to help - great point from @NickyWrightson at #TechNott
I guess it's more that we have development environments to play around with, the staging environment should be treated as prod - ie treat it the same with infra, security, support policies etc.
But that's true - it's better to play in staging than prod!
We've got the awesome @NickyWrightson kicking off her talk at #TechNott about doing out of hours on call the right way - very excited to see the updates she's made since I saw it in September
Is anyone at #TechNott interested in #PHP? You're in luck, because Thursday is #PHPMiNDS and we've got the awesome @akrabat speaking about Slim 4: PHP's Microwebframework
More details on the website https://phpminds.org/ and the Meetup https://www.meetup.com/PHPMiNDS-in-Nottingham/events/268999773/
I've spent the last few weeks going up over the threshold and then dipping under ๐
Very excited for the talks tonight at #TechNott - @NickyWrightson's talk at #DevOpsDays London was really insightful for how to run on-call right, and I've heard great things about the talk from @adactio and @rem - hope to see y'all there!
Within my team, we use Git flow with 2 person enforced code review before a merge (within a 10 person team). We use the code review to enforce this, alongside any other changes required.
I'm a strong proponent of good commit messages, so one thing I've been doing since joining the team is encouraging this to be better.
Between and I took 3675 steps.
Week Notes 20#10 (3 mins read).
What happened in the week of 2020-03-02?