Learning driven development is a great reason to do a talk - really awesome advice from @JessPWhite at #WiTNotts
My go to catchphrase is "this isn't even my native resolution" 😂 got to enjoy the screen real estate while my eyes can cope!
#WiTNotts is kicking off with @LittleHelli and @Anna_Hax talking about the awesome community and meetups we have, and getting more ⚡ talks up on the sign up board!
What's the jvt.me
at the end of your tweets? (1 mins read).
Answering why there are links to jvt.me
at the end of all my tweets.
Thanks GitLab for the Swag! (2 mins read).
Thanking GitLab for the swag store credit for sharing how much I use GitLab.com.
Between and I took 8594 steps.
https://heyguys.cc/ is a great resource for this, and is a handy link to share others when they're not able to find the right term 👍🏽
Recommended read: Serverless IndieAuth https://piperswe.me/posts/serverless-indieauth/
The growth of command line options, 1979-Present
Recommended read: The growth of command line options, 1979-Present https://danluu.com/cli-complexity/
Between and I took 9805 steps.