I will be attending Women in Tech 2nd April - Thoughts to Pixels: the impact of blogging on
I will be attending Women in Tech 5th March - Lightning talks! ⚡️ on
I will be attending Tech Nottingham May - After the launch & The connected house of horrors on
I will be attending Tech Nottingham March 2020 - How We Built the World Wide Web in Five Days on
I will not be attending Missile Destroyers, Supercomputers, and Chernobyl: Psychological safety & teams. on
I will not be attending Automating UI testing with Tom Austin on
I will be attending SLIM 4: PHP'S MICROFRAMEWORK on
Aww this was really good!! Gutted to have missed it in person, but glad it's been recorded and I could watch it 🙌
How to train your impostor - Carolina Gilabert
This is a great talk from Carol about #ImpostorSyndrome - something that so many of us suffer from without knowing - and some ways that you can reduce the effect it has on you.
Recommended read: How to train your impostor - Carolina Gilabert https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=if5YLYRIcc8
Adding a sticky table of contents in Hugo to posts
Recommended read: Adding a sticky table of contents in Hugo to posts https://ma.ttias.be/adding-a-sticky-table-of-contents-in-hugo-to-posts/
Why 543 KB keep me up at night
Recommended read: Why 543 KB keep me up at night https://www.matuzo.at/blog/why-543kb-keep-me-up-at-night/
Between and I took 9717 steps.