
I was hoping to hack together a little thing to proxy multipart form requests via #Netlify functions this evening, but unfortunately it looks like Netlify doesn't support it, and it's less easy with AWS Lambda so I guess Spring Boot it is!


Throwback to 2 years ago, having my first meal out in public after a couple of months of recovery from my ruptured appendix

Jamie looking gaunt, with long hair and a beard, in a pub, mostly smiling


Just bought my #DevOpsDays London ticket! There are still £99 super early bird tickets at

It's an awesome conference, which I'd thoroughly recommend - you can read about my time at


You may want to check out @edent's blog post for how to pull the data from the Goodreads API


Has there been a patch for #ApexLegends that I wasn't aware of? It appears that everyone has been nerfed because I'm magically able to not die instantly in games 😅 it can't be that I'm getting better
