Between and I took 9884 steps.
Throwback to 2 years ago, having my first meal out in public after a couple of months of recovery from my ruptured appendix
Avoid rewriting a legacy system from scratch, by strangling it
Recommended read: Avoid rewriting a legacy system from scratch, by strangling it
How to unzip/decompress a Java JAR file (1 mins read).
How we can use the unzip
command to decompress JAR files.
We've got @jk563 kicking off the first Lightning Talk at tonight's #NottinghamAwsMeetup
Recommended read: One Year at AWS!
Just bought my #DevOpsDays London ticket! There are still £99 super early bird tickets at
It's an awesome conference, which I'd thoroughly recommend - you can read about my time at
I will be attending DevOpsDays London 2020 on
Between and I took 3794 steps.
You may want to check out @edent's blog post for how to pull the data from the Goodreads API
Has there been a patch for #ApexLegends that I wasn't aware of? It appears that everyone has been nerfed because I'm magically able to not die instantly in games 😅 it can't be that I'm getting better