
FYI in this example you can set this to happen by default




Ooh if you get this working I'd be interested in seeing how you solved it, as I'm interested in doing similar too!


Folks using #Jenkins, how do you manage your jobs? Only through the UI? Or using #JobDsl? If not the latter, would you like a talk on being able to track all your jobs in repo and peer-review changes? While being able to quickly spit out duplicate jobs


The smell coming from Annie's Burger Shack as I walked past it is not helping my hunger!


Been a pretty good start to the day - woke up naturally with Hue, closed off a couple of stories just after standup, and spent the rest of the morning sending unsolicited positive feedback to colleagues and requesting some for myself - amazing what a good start to the day does for you!


Reply to

I did something similar with lots of sq! {SHA} commits until I found out about git commit --fixup which let's you do similar, and then git rebase -i --autosquash it afterwards, which is a bit safer with repos others are working on - there's some more detail on if that helps!