Ooh nice! I've been using https://github.com/PlaidWeb/webmention.js for my client-side webmentions and have found it really nice ☺
I've just published the headlines of my #Spotify data for 2011-2019 on my site - https://www.jvt.me/series/music-in-review/ - organised per year, but also with a view across the whole decade! Enjoy a look into my music data #IndieWeb
But it is on my website, such is more important https://www.jvt.me/now/ 😉
Between and I took 10027 steps.
Recommended read: Not the minority. https://jwong.co.uk/blog/2020/02/11/not-the-minority/
This #Gousto recipe was so nice tonight! The lamb was lovely and the naan topping was a little bit soggy but also crispy! https://www.gousto.co.uk/menu?recipeDetailId=1622
Week Notes 20#6 (3 mins read).
What happened in the week of 2020-02-03?
My blogroll https://www.jvt.me/blogroll/ My RSS feed https://www.jvt.me/feed.xml or https://www.jvt.me/posts/feed.xml if you just want my articles And https://www.jvt.me/ for my #Microformats feed and https://www.jvt.me/kind/articles/ for blog
AWS CLI v2 is now generally available
Recommended read: AWS CLI v2 is now generally available https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/developer/aws-cli-v2-is-now-generally-available/
I will be attending Homebrew Website Club: Nottingham on
I will be attending Homebrew Website Club: Nottingham (Anniversary edition) on
I will be attending Homebrew Website Club: Nottingham on
Between and I took 10548 steps.
I'd recommend publishing to your own site first, and then sharing links to it on sites such as Twitter and https://lobste.rs, and maybe also sharing on https://dev.to but primarily owning it yourself to build up the followers there