
Can you not just swap out the Desktop Environment you're using without swapping distro?


I've just received the #Spotify data I'd requested in and am going to enjoy looking through all the data I've got from 2012-2020! I may even publish my own "Year in Review" of music.


Records Come to Java

Meant to share this a couple of weeks ago - this is really great, and was very timely after a presentation from a colleague about #Kotlin, and the fact that the data class that Kotlin has is very cool. Still a while away from my own Java code but interesting nonetheless!

Recommended read: Records Come to Java


Reply to

I'm not sure I agree. Speaking about your health allows everyone to be a bit more open about everything - one reason I blogged about my ruptured appendix was that it would show others what I'd gone through, what they could learn from it, and understand just how sucky it was for me.

Additionally, speaking about mental health is incredibly important, as most folks suffer from it, just don't talk about it, and awareness of it can help folks get diagnosis / help if they're not aware of it.


Pretty happy with first few games of #ApexLegends season 4 - some good changes to things, map is different and I even played a couple of games with Revenant 💀 - not sure I've sussed him out yet though