
So I started to write a short 2019 in review blog post before realising I should finish my 2018 in review post first.

Woops! It's mostly written, but a bit longer than this years will be


Reply to

In the last couple of days, I've also added media support for my Micropub server, and have encountered the same issue.

Thankfully the changes to Indigenous are soon going live, but I was surprised not being able to use it elsewhere.

I believe supports it, as long as you're posting it with a note?


Happy new year everyone! Hope 2020, and the new decade, is kinder to you than this one 🙌🏼


I haven't yet gotten around to writing my 2019 In Review post (and may not until the weekend) but I don't think it's going to be as long as 2017's. I quite like Max's format to keep it short


Managing my dotfiles as a git repository

An interesting way to manage it - I quite like the approach.

I'm a fan of how I do my own, and will write about it at some point -

Recommended read: Managing my dotfiles as a git repository


Real shame to see that @Meetup are further restricting their platform by locking down API access - maybe document this better before going through the process to register?

Thank you for submitting an application to access Meetup’s API and authenticate with OAuth2. This process provides a better and more secure experience for all Meetup members. Your request for API Access through OAuth has been denied. In order to be eligible for API access through OAuth you need to have a Meetup Pro Account.