What makes type checking Ruby hard?
Recommended read: What makes type checking Ruby hard? https://blog.jez.io/ruby-mutation/
What makes type checking Ruby hard?
Recommended read: What makes type checking Ruby hard? https://blog.jez.io/ruby-mutation/
Open Request to Spotify About Data Requests and Spotify Wrapped Data (2 mins read).
A copy of an email I've sent to Spotify to request my full Spotify streaming history.
In 2018 I wrote 60 posts (92k words) but in 2019 I wrote 159 posts (107k words). Of those, 41 and 73 posts respectively were under the term "Blogumentation" https://www.jvt.me/posts/2017/06/25/blogumentation/ which I am a huge fan of.
Don't write for anyone else - just yourself!
Between and I took 7195 steps.
I mean, I said that an hour or so ago, but that was before the site had deployed... Turns out https://www.jvt.me/posts/2019/11/11/gotcha-netlify-lowercase/ caught me out again and isn't fixed until https://gitlab.com/jamietanna/jvt.me/merge_requests/638 is in (although I've done a temporary deploy from my local machine to get the site up).
Very annoying!
What exactly is being sent to Ubuntu in the MOTD?
Recommended read: What exactly is being sent to Ubuntu in the MOTD? https://ma.ttias.be/what-exactly-being-sent-ubuntu-motd/
My site is now running Hugo v0.62! Not too painful an upgrade from 0.58.3, given changes in the Markdown parser - https://gitlab.com/jamietanna/jvt.me/merge_requests/637 - largely Table of Contents related, and one place where I'd not got enough spacing in around fenced codeblocks
I will not be attending Homebrew Website Club: Nottingham on
I won't be able to make it as I'm in Tenerife, but hope it's a good one!
I will be attending Homebrew Website Club: Nottingham on
Homebrew Website Club on November 27th.
From to at Ludorati Cafe 72 Maid Marian Way Nottingham United Kingdom NG1 6BJ
The Homebrew Website Club is a regular meeting for enthusiasts and hobbyist programmers who are building, or thinking of building, their personal websites. The meeting is an informal setting where you can talk with others, get inspiration, or quietly work on your site.
Homebrew Website Clubs are run across the world and have a mixture of styles for how they operate. In Nottingham we like to have a bit of a relaxed session in the cafe portion of Ludorati. Folks come along for conversations about their websites, building tooling for the Web, to talk about some of the technologies they've been working on, to learn something new, or even just to have a couple of hours dedicated to adding that new bit of functionality or a new blog post.
Want to RSVP? You can follow the steps in How to RSVP to an Indie Event from your Website.
Want to add this event to your calendar?
Homebrew Website Club on January 8th.
From to at Ludorati Cafe 72 Maid Marian Way Nottingham United Kingdom NG1 6BJ
The Homebrew Website Club is a regular meeting for enthusiasts and hobbyist programmers who are building, or thinking of building, their personal websites. The meeting is an informal setting where you can talk with others, get inspiration, or quietly work on your site.
Homebrew Website Clubs are run across the world and have a mixture of styles for how they operate. In Nottingham we like to have a bit of a relaxed session in the cafe portion of Ludorati. Folks come along for conversations about their websites, building tooling for the Web, to talk about some of the technologies they've been working on, to learn something new, or even just to have a couple of hours dedicated to adding that new bit of functionality or a new blog post.
Want to RSVP? You can follow the steps in How to RSVP to an Indie Event from your Website.
Want to add this event to your calendar?
Happy birthday https://aaronparecki.com 🎂 Hope you're having a great day!
I've managed to reduce my site's build/test/deploy pipeline to a total of ~4 minutes (a couple of minutes further than https://www.jvt.me/mf2/2019/12/isqba/ ) but still isn't as fast as I'd like, albeit much better!
May have to see if it's possible to speed up with my own GitLab runner.
Recommended read: "server" is hard to define https://jvns.ca/blog/2019/12/26/whats-a-server/
Recommended read: How to create a free website https://mblaney.xyz/2019-12-28-How_to_create_a_free_website
Between and I took 5482 steps.
Alex.js: Catch insensitive, inconsiderate writing
Recommended read: Alex.js: Catch insensitive, inconsiderate writing https://alexjs.com
Let us make 2020 a year of empowerment and decentralization
Recommended read: Let us make 2020 a year of empowerment and decentralization https://nilsnh.no/2019/12/25/let-us-make-2020-a-year-of-empowerment-and-decentralization/
Between and I took 3179 steps.
This is really great stuff!
I've raised an issue on the https://brid.gy repo at https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/issues/905 as I feel this could be a great fit for the project, as it'd handle that syndication for you, instead of you needing to set it up yourself.
It may not be needed by the community, but if it is, there's hopefully a good fit there.
Setting up a Staging Server for my Micropub Endpoint (4 mins read).
Setting up a Micropub server that I can use to test changes before it publishes content to this site.
If you want inspiration / don't want to write your own - https://indigenous.realize.be is great. I use it daily and it's a great Microsub client.
Between and I took 6538 steps.