IndieWeb post types
This content type is full of IndieWeb post types, which are all content types which allow me to take greater ownership of my own data. These are likely unrelated to my blog posts. You can find a better breakdown by actual post kind below:
Heh, day 69 of quarantine
I will be attending Escape Room on
I will be attending ONLINE: Homebrew Website Club: Nottingham on
I will be attending DevOps Notts - May 2020 on
#ApexLegends crashed and when it rejoined I didn't get any other XP cause I had "0 kills/damage" 😥 did at least get some for the duration, I guess. Shame as I was in the final 2 squads!
Determine dependency tree in a Gradle multimodule project
Recommended read: Determine dependency tree in a Gradle multimodule project
Between and I took 2131 steps.
Waking up to a blaring house alarm, being rudely awakened by the lights at full brightness, and then more house alarms? Yay for a power cut