Chef 13 Upgrade: Rubocop Changes for Testing render_file
with ChefSpec and a with_content
As part of an upgrade from Chef 12 to Chef 13, this is one of the posts in which I've been detailing the issues I've encountered, and how I've resolved them .
When testing that Chef's template
s are being rendered correctly, the easiest way to do this is via render_file(...).with_content(&block)
However, when running the below code against Chef 13's Rubocop, this gives the error Parenthesize the param render_file
expect(chef_run).to render_file('/chef/.ssh/authorized_keys')
.with_content do |content|
expect(content).to match(%r{^ssh-rsa this is long key$})
expect(content).to match(%r{^ssh-another key$})
expect(content).to match(%r{^wibble deploy$})
The fix is to have the whole render_file
method call wrapped in parentheses, such as:
-expect(chef_run).to render_file('/chef/.ssh/authorized_keys')
- .with_content { |content|
+ .with_content do |content|
expect(content).to match(%r{^ssh-rsa this is long key$})
expect(content).to match(%r{^ssh-another key$})
expect(content).to match(%r{^wibble deploy$})
- }
+ end)
Additionally, I've converted the multi-line block to a do
/ end
block, as that was another complaint of Rubocop.