Tag personal-website



My #PersonalWebsite is https://www.jvt.me and as I'm very into owning my own data and being part of the #IndieWeb, I'm replying to this tweet from my website!

Site itself is Hugo and hosted on Netlify


And for folks who've rightfully come out of Pauline Narvas's talk at #WiTNotts wanting to start blogging, there's #HomebrewWebsiteClub Nottingham which is every other week (online) and is a great space to put two hours aside to blog / work on your website


It'll be of no surprise to any of you who know me as a #PersonalWebsite and #blogging advocate that I would be very much looking forward to Pauline Narvas's talk at #WiTNotts this Thursday! And as it's remote, hopefully more of you can join!



I'm using Hugo and Netlify, backed with GitLab CI. Because I own the platform that is my site, I can do funky things like reply to this tweet directly from my website!


I'd thoroughly recommend self hosting - I use Hugo and Netlify for mine and it works really well. It's also got the bonus that because it's my own site and platform that I can use it as I want, such as replying to your tweet from my website


The one thing I wish I'd done when I first started my design career

In this 9 minute podcast, Craig Burgess speaks about how he wished he'd got started on his #PersonalWebsite and doing more #blogging early on in his career. Craig also speaks about the #IndieWeb and why everyone should get involved.

Recommended read: The one thing I wish I'd done when I first started my design career https://getdoingthings.com/podcast/getdoingthings/the-one-thing


It’s Time to Get Personal

This is a great read about the things that being in the https://indieweb.org/ (Independent Web) can empower you with, and the ownership and agency that it affords you.

I'd recommend a read of https://www.jvt.me/posts/2019/07/22/why-website/ and https://www.jvt.me/posts/2019/10/20/indieweb-talk/ for a bit more info, too.

Recommended read: It’s Time to Get Personal https://24ways.org/2019/its-time-to-get-personal/


Yesterday I met someone who, after my talk Overengineering Your Personal Website at last year's DevOpsDays London, started building their own website. That's awesome! 🙌🏼


WPWeekly Episode 361 – Introduction to the IndieWeb With David Shanske

This should be a really interesting listen about getting started with the IndieWeb with David, I'd recommend it.

But in an even cooler turn of events, it was very cool to see that my article Why I Have a Website and You Should Too ( https://www.jvt.me/posts/2019/07/22/why-website/ ) discussed at roughly 39:00.

Recommended read: WPWeekly Episode 361 – Introduction to the IndieWeb With David Shanske https://wptavern.com/wpweekly-episode-361-introduction-to-the-indieweb-with-david-shanske