Recommended read: SSH Emergency Access
Tag ssh
SSH to EC2 instances via AWS Lambda
An interesting approach - but I wonder why you'd implement like so (requiring SSH usage) instead of the Systems Manager's run-command ?
Recommended read: SSH to EC2 instances via AWS Lambda
Public SSH keys can leak your private infrastructure
An interesting look at how using one key for everything (SSH to servers, SSH for git hosting, etc) can be a Bad Thing™
Recommended read: Public SSH keys can leak your private infrastructure
Specify a specific SSH private key for git pull/git clone
Recommended read: Specify a specific SSH private key for git pull/git clone
Recommended read: SSH Handshake Explained
Recommended read: Yubikeys for SSH Auth
This is a great writeup about how to harden your SSH setup using 2-factor authentication. Would really recommend it!
Recommended read: Hardening SSH with 2fa
Sharing Multiple SSH Sessions over the Same Network Socket (3 mins read).
Reusing network sockets for speed and reduction of authentication handshakes with OpenSSH.